2024年1月26日,乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使Arziev Farhod、乌兹别克斯坦电子工程企业协会主席Yunusov Mirziyod、乌兹别克斯坦驻华使馆商务参赞Ikhtiyor Niyazmuradov、乌兹别克斯坦驻广东省总领事Otabek Valiev、乌兹别克斯坦电子工程企业协会出口经理Tolipov Khurshidbek一行莅临深圳市工业设计行业协会调研,并与深圳市工业设计行业协会会长、中芬设计园创始人封昌红及深圳科技创新企业代表创维集团执行董事、总工程师吴伟,康弘智能副总裁伍燕珊,欧瑞博科技国际业务副总裁刘凤伟,欧瑞博科技公共事务总监荣高君,倍思科技亚洲区负责人张日旺,深圳市晟邦国际咨询有限公司创始人骆欢展开座谈交流。On January 26, 2024, H.E. Arziev Farhod, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China, Yunusov Mirziyod, Chairman of the Electrotechnics Industry Association of Uzbekistan, Ikhtiyor Niyazmuradov, Economic and Trade Consellor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in China, Otabek Valiev, The General Counsellor of Uzbekistan in Guangdong Province, Tolipov Khurshidbek, Export Manager of Electrotechnics Industry Association of Uzbekistan and other representatives have visited Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association, and attended an exchange meeting with Shirley Feng, President of Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association (SIDA) and Founder of Sino-Finnish Design Park, together with Shenzhen technology innovation enterprises’ representatives, such as Wu Wei, Executive Director and Chief Engineer of Skyworth Group, Wu Yanshan, Vice president of Kanghong Intelligence, Liu Fengwei, Vice President of International Business of Orvibo Technology, Rong Gaojun, Director of Public Affairs of Orvibo Technology, Zhang Riwang, head of Baseus Technology Asia, and Luo Huan, Founder of Shenzhen CBON Design.
调研过程中,Arziev Farhod阁下一行先后参观了中芬设计园国际展厅、丝路视觉科技股份有限公司、深圳开放创新实验室、深圳市后浪工业设计有限公司及深圳市晟邦国际咨询有限公司,深入了解了中芬设计园园区企业的情况、园区的定位与运营模式,以及深圳市工业设计行业的发展现状与创新成果。During the visit, Ambassador Arziev Farhod and his delegation visited the International Exhibition Hall of Sino-Finnish Design Park, Silk Road Vision Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab, Shenzhen Z WAVE DESIGN and Shenzhen CBON Design, gaining an in-depth understanding of the enterprises’ situation in the park, the park’s positioning and operation mode, as well as the development status and innovation achievements of Shenzhen’s industrial design industry.

Visit the International Exhibition Hall of Sino-Finnish Design Park

Visit Silk Road Vision Technology Co. Ltd.

Visit Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab

Visit Shenzhen Z WAVE DESIGN

Visit Shenzhen CBON Design
座谈会上,各方就企业合作、产品创新、设计生态等方面展开了深入探讨,并达成了合作共识。At the exchange meeting, all parties carried out in-depth discussions on enterprise cooperation, product innovation, design ecology and other aspects, and reached a consensus on cooperation.

乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使Arziev Farhod
Arziev Farhod, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China

Shirley Feng, President of Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association (SIDA) and Founder of Sino-Finnish Design Park
合作签约 Cooperation Signing
Signing memorandums of cooperation and exchange in various fields
会上乌兹别克斯坦电子工程企业协会与深圳市工业设计行业协会签署了关于加深双方交流分享、活动推广、行业及成果研究、创意产业导入等方面的备忘录,将促进双方协会之间更好地了解彼此的文化和市场,加强友谊互信,拓展国际市场,提高品牌影响力、创新力和竞争力,为未来合作的纵深发展打下坚实基础。At the meeting, the Electrotechnics Industry Association of Uzbekistan and Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association signed a memorandum on deepening exchanges of activity promotion, industry and results research, creative industry introduction and other aspects, which will promote better understanding of each other's culture and market between the two associations, strengthen friendship and mutual trust, and expand the international market, improve brand influence, innovation and competitiveness, and lay a solid foundation for the in-depth development of future cooperation.
品牌出海 Brands Go Global
Strengthen trade interaction between China and Uzbekistan
Yunusov Mirziyod主席介绍了乌兹别克斯坦电工企业协会的概况,并介绍了在乌企业的优惠政策、税收减免等情况。对此,深圳企业代表分别从各自所从事的消费电子、家电等领域出发,就物流、仓储、关税、市场渠道、周边市场辐射等方面进行了深入讨论,深圳企业代表表示希望未来能够进入乌兹别克斯坦市场,以乌兹别克斯坦为支点,共同撬动欧洲、中亚及远东地区市场发展。Chairman Yunusov Mirziyod introduced the general situation of the Electrotechnics Industry Association of Uzbekistan, and introduced the preferential policies, tax exemptions and other conditions for enterprises in Uzbekistan. In this regard, the representatives of Shenzhen enterprises engaged in in-depth discussion respectively on consumer electronics, home appliances and other fields, as well as on logistics, warehousing, tariffs, market channels, the radiation of the surrounding market and other aspects, Shenzhen enterprise representatives hope that in the future they can enter the Uzbekistan market, taking Uzbekistan as the pivot, jointly leverage the markets development of Europe, Central Asia and the Far East.
Yunusov Mirziyod
Yunusov Mirziyod, Chairman of the Electrotechnics Industry Association of Uzbekistan
活动交流 Activity Exchange
Hold China-Uzbekistan cultural and creative exchange activities
Arziev Farhod阁下一行通过深入了解深圳设计从设计到转化、从产业到引领的成就与优势,双方就创意设计领域的合作进行了讨论,一致认为加强中乌创意设计领域合作具有广阔的潜力和前景,未来希望通过合作举办展览、论坛、工作坊等文化创意交流活动,为两国相关行业领域人员提供一个展示、交流的平台,同时在深圳开展乌兹别克斯坦设计从业者及学生的设计力提升课程,在助力乌兹别克斯坦设计从业者技能提升的同时,加深中乌文明互鉴,为提升合作带来新的发展机遇。Ambassador Arziev Farhod and his delegation had an in-depth understanding of the achievements and advantages of Shenzhen Design from design to transformation and from industry to leadership. Both sides discussed the cooperation in the field of creative design and agreed that there is broad potential and prospect for strengthening the cooperation in the field of creative design between China and Uzbekistan. In the future, both sides hope to cooperate to hold exhibitions, forums, workshops and other cultural and creative exchange activities to provide a platform for exhibition and exchange for personnel in relevant industries of the two countries. At the same time, carry out design courses for Uzbekistan design practitioners and students in Shenzhen, so as to enhance their skills and deepen the mutual learning of Chinese and Uzbekistan civilizations, thus to bring new development opportunities for enhanced cooperation.
载体建设 Carrier Construction
Discuss the joint construction of China-Uzbekistan Design Center
拟计划与乌方共同设立中乌设计中心,作为两国合作的重要桥梁,旨在集结中乌顶尖设计人才、市场专家和创新团队,精准把握市场动态与消费者需求,为两国企业开辟更广阔的市场空间,注入更强劲的发展动力,将成为促进中乌经济交流、深化合作的重要平台,为双方共同迈向更加繁荣、更加美好的未来奠定坚实基础。The China-Uzbekistan Design Center is proposed to be jointly established as an important bridge for cooperation between the two countries. It aims to gather top design talents, market experts and innovation teams of China and Uzbekistan, accurately grasp the market dynamics and consumer demand, open up a broader market space for enterprises of the two countries, inject stronger development momentum, and become an important platform for promoting economic exchanges and deepening cooperation between China and Uzbekistan, which will lay a solid foundation for both sides to jointly move towards a more prosperous and better future.
Group Photo
Email: zee.zhang@szida.org
Email: bin.li@szida.org
Email: lynn.zhao@szida.org