时间:2016-04-08 【返回列表】

SVAKOM是来自美国的高端智能情趣用品品牌,不断为全球客户提供高品位的情趣生活方式。旗下产品拥有时尚优雅的外观设计和智能前卫的功能体验,所有产品的设计皆符合人体工程学,材质100% 环保。智能、典雅、 低调、奢华、是我们始终如一的品牌理念。SVAKOM 拥有与众不同的款式设计与令人惊奇的愉快体验:不可想象的安静,操作异常简单,凭直觉使用就可以获得令人难以置信的愉悦。当它性感的曲线在您的身体上轻轻的滑过,您就能感受到前所未有的满足。
SVAKOM is a premium international brand of sexual stimulators designed in the US, with creative and stylish shapes using 100% green technology. The distinctive styles and designs provide intense pleasure that caters to your personal preferences. Unbelievably quiet and powerful motors provide varying speeds and intensity to maximize pleasure. SVAKOM has introduced industry changing products that have captured a new generation of pleasure product enthusiasts with their patented Intelligent Mode. Intelligent Mode was scientifically researched and developed by SVAKOM to create a mode that a user could always count on to deliver pleasure with just a press of a button. Intelligent Mode takes the user on a seductive journey that begins with subtle caressing vibrations that build to an intense and satisfying ending.

SVAKOM的与众不同之处在于其研发的智能模式。2009年,SVAKOM创始人David Yu想要开创一种更完美的女性自娱自乐新方式,他猜想能否根据女性的反馈与经验为SVAKOM产品设计一种欢愉模式。于是David开始在全球范围内采访有情趣用品使用经验的女性,并进一步了解她们对完美情趣体验的看法。之后,David带领着他的研发团队基于这些数据,经过无数次的实验与用户试验,最终铸就了SVAKOM产品独有的“智能模式”。
In 2009, SVAKOM founder David Yu wanted to create an easier way for women to pleasure themselves. He thought that if it was possible to not only program a mode for SVAKOM’s toys, he could create a more sophisticated mode based on women’s feedback and experiences. David began interviewing women about their experiences with pleasure products and how they envision the perfect intimate experience. After the interviews, David went one step further and took his newfound feedback to the design lab where through countless testing and user feedback, he crafted Intelligent Mode.
Intelligent Mode begins slowly, pulsing, seducing the user and inviting you to come along for an intimate encounter. Once Intelligent Mode gets going the pulses become more intense and will take you to places you never thought a pleasure product could take you. After just a few minutes you will be on the verge of  ecstasy and it is up to you whether you want to continue with Intelligent Mode or take control into your own hands. The choice is yours. 

美国SVAKOM Design USA Limited设计团队专注于情趣用品领域系列化产品的开发设计,坚持把智能健康、用户体验、时尚雅趣作为开发产品的核心理念,从产品设计、交互设计、CMF(色彩、材料、工艺)研究应用等方面进行一体化系统设计,所推出的每一款产品都具备独特的差异化特征,用户体验至上,力求极致完美,同时赋予了产品美妙的灵魂,也触动了人心,多款产品先后荣获了德国IF奖、红点奖和台湾金点设计大奖,拥有多项国际发明及使用新型专利,得到全球消费者的高度认可与青睐。
