时间:2018-10-13 来源:




Living in Shenzhen at this very period, you are likely to feel privileged – you are a witness to birth of many multi-million dollar businesses, have a first hand experience on global trends and can play with frontier tech on daily basis. In other cities around the world, you’d need to wait months to see all these changes happen. Now you have an opportunity to have hands on experience and become a maker during Shenzhen Maker Week. Write stories, share experiences, bring friends, your robots and take photos and enroll in one of these workshops.



时间:10月11日至12日,9:00-12:00& 13:00-17:30




Workshop 1 : Build your own bamboo bike

Time: October 11th & 12th (9:00-12:00 &13:00-17:30)

Content: Objective of this workshop is popularising bamboo as a building material, bicycles as a sustainable mode of transport and positive lifestyle incities. During the workshop, participants will learn about bamboo, planning, constructing and putting together all the components of a bamboo bike including joints, handles and wheels.



Workshop Leader:Mowgli


Mowgli毕业于中山大学海洋环境专业,是专业自行车机械师,结构建造师,中国首个竹子自行车工作坊的主要负责人。他骑着自己制作的竹子自行车旅行行程超过1万5千公里。教过来自20多个不同国家/地区的朋友制作超过300辆竹子自行车。曾为凯迪拉克,SAP,奥的斯电梯等公司设计并组织团队建设培训项目。把竹子自行车作为载体,为首都经贸大学、北京顺义国际学校,GLOBAL WORKS 等教育机构设计并教授课程。总是双眼带着光向更多人分享自己的竹子自行车。


Mowgli is a professional bike mechanic, frame builder, and the manager of MMT workshop. He has travelled more than 15,000km with his bamboo bike, and over the past few years, he has taught more than 300 people from many different countries to build their ownbamboo bikes. He also designed and organized team-building projects for companies like Cadillac, SAP and OTIS. Mowgli is working with different international schools teaching bicycle classes for children of different ages.







Workshop 2:Magic Lantern Box Workshop

Time: October 12th (9:00-12:00)

Content: Use Inkscape to do 2Ddesign and understand the design details of the files used for laser cutting; Use laser cutting machine to cut files, and learn to debug laser cutting machine and deal with common problems; Use Arduino to write program correctly and burn the control program of light bar and light sensor into the development board; Master and learn simple circuit welding; Use laser-cut 2D files, lightbar, light sensor and Arduino development board to make a magic lantern box.








Workshop 3: AI Donkeycar Workshop

Time: October 12th (14:00-17:00)

Content: Share AI artificial intelligence unmanned car through in-depth learning of algorithm, we train ordinary people to learn the original data ofroad and pedestrian, demonstrate the driverless car, and help them to understand the unmanned driving technology.



Workshop Leader:Tao Jun




Tao Jun, Shenzhen OpenInnovation Lab (SZOIL) FAB LAB mentor, graduated in electrical engineering andautomation major from North Minzu University, has his passion on DIY and programming with in a wealth of experience in 2D / 3D design. He is also an expert in electronic circuit design and PCB production, embedded programming, laser cutting machine, 3D printers, CNC cutting machine, etc.



工作坊四:室内空气监控仪 & 水过滤系统制作工作坊




Workshop 4 : Build your own air quality monitor & water filtering system  

Time: October 13th (9-12:30)

Content: In this workshop, we educate participants on elements of pollution in air and water. We talk about sustainable solutions that are available. We will build AQ monitor and water filtering system. The participants will experience being a maker by assembling several AQ sensors on Arduino board and programming them to work. It will track basic components of air like temperature, humidity, gases, etc. Further more, participants will build a filtering system using natural materials



Workshop Leader:Hans-Joachim Michl


Hans-Joachim Michl (汉斯-约阿希姆•米希尔)是电子工程师,5岁时就设计了自己的首批作品。他曾在德国攻读物理和IT,目前在深圳拥有自己的软件服务公司。他一直在深圳开展硬件电子产品方面的项目,是华强北国际创客中心Trouble Maker的一员。


Hans-Joachim Michl has been electronics engineer for as long as he can remember, constructing his first projectsat just 5 years old. He studied Physics and IT in Germany and currently has his own software service company in Shenzhen. He started his hardware electronics project as an excuse to stay further in Shenzhen, working from epi-center of international maker activity – the Troublemaker in Huaqiangbei International Maker Centre.







Workshop 5 : Visual programming with robots and environmental storytelling

Time: October 13th, 13:30-17:30

Content: In this workshop, participants will learn the basis of robot programming according to STEAM education. The workshop will educate attendees the basis of STEAM and will cover programming skills. Mini robot is equipped with colour sensors. With colour coding of the track, the robot can be programmed to perform different tasks. While the robotis performing variety of actions, participants need to tell an environmental story.  The idea is to popularise programming, STEAM education and creative storytelling. The workshop has been performed previously in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.



Workshop Leader:Gavenraj Sodhi






Gavenraj Sodhi, CEO, Guwoo.io | Solbit Group. Gavenraj is an entrepreneur in China for the past decade and a Global expert on the personalization of outcome-based STEAM learning utilizing best of breed technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Robotics.


Gavenraj Sodhi is a decentralized Blockchainsolution and a global movement enabling educators and creators to co-create and deliver intelligent lessons to personalize the learning experience of children globally. Most recently, Gavenraj was selected as Chairman of the Early Education Working Group of the Government Blockchain Association (GBA) that has over 3,000 private and public-sector members globally.







Workshop 6: Build your own light sensitive robot

Time: October 14th, 9:00-12:30

Content: In this workshop, participants will learn the basis of robot building and programming. The workshop will cover different styles and shapes of robots - using lego, wheels, metal, paper - it will be according to imagination of participants, so they experience being a true maker.  The robots will be built with light sensors and programmed to do various tasks.

主讲导师:Tully Gehan

Workshop Leader:Tully Gehan


Tully Gehan拥有美国100所顶尖技术学校之一的罗切斯特理工学院工程学学位。

作为一名工程师,Tully曾协助激光能量学实验室建造世界上最大的用于核聚变研究的激光器,也曾在开发了赛格威第一辆自动平衡滑板车的美国工程智库DEKA工作过。此外,Tully是第一个在Seeed Studio工作的外国人,也是柴火创客空间(Chaihuo Maker Space)的联合创始人。Tully在ly在SamuraiCircuits.com开发了众开发了众多电子产品,并在,并在FactoryForAll.com帮助人们帮助人们在中国制造电子产品。Tully也是Hardware Massive(帮助初创企业的全球硬件社区)的深圳分会负责人。


Tully Gehan has an engineering degree from Rochester Institute of Technology one of the top 100 technical schools in America. As an Engineer Tully has worked at great places, such as help build the world's largest laser used for fusion research at the lab for laser energetics and the American engineering think tank DEKA, the place that developed the Segway the first self balancing scooter. Also, Tully was the first foreigner to work at Seeed Studio and Co-Founder of Chaihuo Maker Space also known as xfactory. Tully has created a number of electronic products under the name me SamuraiCircuits.com and and helps people manufacture electronics in China at at FactoryForAll.com. Tu. Tully is also Shenzhen's Chapter Leader for Hardware Massive, a global hardware community that helps startups


主讲导师:Nick Dimitrijevic

Workshop Leader:Nick Dimitrijevic


Nick Dimitrijevic在硬件产品开发、制造和咨询行业有10年经验,是创新深圳项目(InnovateShenzhen program)的发起人。Nick发起的创新深圳计划对有意落户或了解深圳的欧美企业和创新项目提供支持。他也是香港Hardware Massive的分会会长。Hardware Massive总部位于硅谷和深圳,是全球最大的硬件社区之一。


Nick Dimitrijevic has been involved in hardware product development, manufacturing and consulting industry for 10 years. He initiated InnovateShenzhen program, a soft landing and innovation program for groups from Europe and the US that want to plug in Shenzhen’s eco-system. He is Hong Kong’s Chapter Leader of Hardware Massive –one of the biggest global hardware communities derived from Silicon Valley and Shenzhen.








Workshop 7: AI Recognition Workshop

Time: October 14th, 14:00-17:00

Content: Explain how to use deep learning big data to solve the problem ofautomatic sorting of fruits and vegetables. Share AI/computer vision applications ideas, benifit the general public benefit and improve work efficiency. Experience the computer vision classification by installing burn program test.




Workshop Leader:Chen Zhenghua




Chen Zhenghua, training director of Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab (SZOIL), has years of education training experience, focusing on maker education training program. He developed many maker education projects such as underwater robot project, artificial intelligence hive project, artificial intelligence AI project, artificial intelligence computer identification and so on.



Workshop (1.4.5 & 7) Facilitator & Coordinator



Workshop (1.4.5 & 7) Facilitator & Coordinator:

Jelena Lucic


Jelena Lucic是One Clever Dot咨询公司创始人。曾在塞浦路斯、塞尔维亚和伊拉克生活过,2014年起定居在深圳。她是项目负责人、顾问、演讲者也是培训师,负责30多个大大小小国际活动项目。Jelena的项目主要围绕可持续发展、影响、创新、大众经济、设计、硬件、前沿科技、中外关系等主题。




Jelena Lucic has previously lived in Cyprus, Serbia, Iraq and from 2014 living in Shenzhen. She is a Project Lead, Consultant, Speaker and a Trainer for 30+ various international events around the topics of sustainability, impact, innovation, crowd economy, design, hardware, frontier tech, China and international relations. She is an environmentalist and entrepreneur at heart – B2B Business Developer for environmental and hardware industry, a Founder of an environmental NGO Ecoist, one semi failed startup, one completely failed start up and more recently, a proud owner of consultancy company One Clever Dot. Jelena will be present on these 4 workshops as an educator and facilitator.






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Shenzhen Maker Week