时间:2018-10-13 来源:

全球开放科学硬件(The Gathering for Open Science Hardware,GOSH)是一个多元化的全球社区,致力于分享开放的科学研究工具。GOSH 2018年来到深圳,将组织全球100名参加者,于10月10日­13日在清华大学国际开放创新教育中心(Open FIESTA)组织4天主题为“扩展硬件,发展社区”的交流讨论活动,还有12日晚上柴火造物中心的公众开放日和14日全天在深圳皇庭V酒店的深圳创客周“GOSH全球开放科学硬件”分享活动。


The Gathering for Open Science Hardware(GOSH) is a diverse, global community dedicated to the sharing open, scientific technologies. GOSH 2018 will be held in Shenzhen, with 100 participants explore the theme "Scaling hardware and Growing Community" in Open FIESTA,Tsinghua Graduate School of Shenzhen from October 10th to 13th, 2018. In the evening of 12th will be the public event at x.factory and 14th all day will be Shenzhen Maker Week sharing at V public Shenzhen Wongtee V Hotel.





Hardware forms a vital part of the scientific experimental process but unfortunately the current supply chain limits access and impedes creativity and customization through high mark­ups and proprietary designs. Open source hardware addresses part of this problem through sharing open designs for everything from microscopes and biomaterials to spectrometers and sensors.











Hosted by: Shenzhen Municipal People's Government

Organized by: Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association (SIDA)

Co­Organized by: Gosh Community

Co­Organized by: Open FIESTA



Event Info 





Speakers Introduction



Jenny Molloy,剑桥大学

Jenny Molloy,剑桥大学莎特沃兹基金会(Shuttleworth Foundation)研究员, Jenny的研究领域主要在为公众创造一个开放和可持续性发展的生物经济,并且研究成果、工具和系统对所有人开放,而不是隐藏在专有模型和封闭系统里。除了研究分子生物学,Jenny也是GOSH的核心成员组织者,


Jenny Molloy, University of Cambridge

Jenny Molloy is a Shuttleworth Foundation Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, studying the role and impact of open approaches to intellectual property in biology. Jenny is a co­organiser of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware and will introduce the Global Open Science Hardware Community’s effort to spread useful tools for science across the globe by 2025. 


Jorge Appiah,Kumasi Hive的联合创始人兼首席执行官



Jorge Appiah, Co­founder/CEO of Kumasi Hive

Jorge Appiah is the Co­founder/CEO of Kumasi Hive; a Tech innovation Hub in Ghana for rapid prototyping of ideas and promoting youth entrepreneurship as a way of addressing critical social economic and developmental challenges. He will present his work as co­organiser for the first Africa Open Science and Hardware (AfricaOSH) and how AfricaOSH is creating a platform for African makers, scientists, academia, artists and engineers.


Ananda Gabo是一位工业设计师,iGEM校友,艺术家,参与了2018年ArsBioarctica,她也是一位有抱负的农民。她的履历丰富,在专业厨房,视觉科学,人机交互设计和可穿戴创作领域工作过。2018年作为厨师和农场助手,探索小规模农业+开源硬件的交集及探索其对粮食系统和饮食文化的影响。


Ananda Gabo is an industrial designer, iGEM alumni, artist in residence at ArsBioarctica 2018, and an aspiring farmer. Their background has spanned from working in professional kitchens, visual scientific illustration, foraging for plants, yeast hunting, human­robotic interaction design, and speculative wearable creations. They have spent 2018 as a cook and farm helper to explore the intersections of small­scale agriculture + open source hardware and its effect on food systems and food culture.

Harry Akligoh,Kumasi Hive技术员

Harry Akligoh是Kumasi Hive的技术员,领导Prac Science学校的教育计划,并通过开放生物经济实验室(Open Bioeconomy Lab)研究生物学的开放工具。 Harry将和JorgeAppiah一起展示非洲开放科学与硬件(AfricaOSH)的工作以及介绍开放科学硬件在非洲的作用。


Harry Akligoh, Kumasi Hive

Harry Akligoh is a Technology Associate at Kumasi Hiveand leads the Prac Science schools education initiative as well as researching open tools for biology with the Open Bioeconomy Lab. Harry will join JorgeAppiah in presenting the work of Africa Open Science and Hardware ( AfricaOSH) and the role of open science hardware for Africa.


Rachel Aronoff,骇客

Rachel Aronoff是瑞士骇客协会的主席,该协会开创了首个为所有人实现科学民主化的“生物黑客”空间。Rachel将展示如何使任何人都能通过检查颊细胞中的DNA损伤来测试其基因组完整性。她还参与有关水质评估,城市园艺技术甚至生物艺术的公民科学项目,并希望帮助公共研究可持续发展。


Rachel Aronoff, Hackuarium

Rachelis President of the Hackuarium Association in Switzerland that began one of the first 'biohacking' spaces to democratise science for all. Rachel will present her work enabling anyone to test their genomic integrity through examining DNA damage in cheek cells. She is also involved in citizen science projects around water quality assessment, urban gardening techniques and even bio­art, and hopes to help make open public research a sustainable endeavor.


Felipe Fonseca,Subutai Platform

Felipe是Subutai平台(开源云P2P软件)的用户社区经理;巴西乌巴图巴的inc.ubalab协作孵化器和Ninho实验室协调员。也是开发社会生态创新项目平台sei.eco的创始人。曾是Ciencia AbertaUbatuba行动协调员,这是OCSDNet (2015­2017)的一个研究项目,促进了巴西乌巴图巴的一系列举措的发展,并总结了当前科学、社会、经济和发展之间的许多挑战。


Felipe Fonseca,  Subutai Platform

Felipe Fonseca is user community manager of the Subutai Platform (Open Source Cloud P2P software); coordinator of inc.ubalab collaborative incubator and Ninho experimental lab, both in Ubatuba, Brazil. He will present how Subutai supports the Internet of Things, including connected devices for science.


Kaspar Emanuel,Kitspace

Kaspar Emanuel是一名电子工程师和软件开发人员,对所有免费和开源的东西都有浓厚的兴趣。他正在开发一个名为Kitspace的网络服务,这个服务能帮助人们更好的记录和展示电子项目,能让他人更加容易的复制这些项目。


Kaspar Emanuel, Kitspace

Kaspar is an electronic engineer and software developer with akeen interest in all things free and open source. Kaspar will present a web service he is developing called Kitspace to help people document and show case electronics projects in a way that lets others more easily replicate them.


Kevin Lhoste, 巴黎交叉科学研究院

Kevin Lhoste的主要兴趣是设计开放的解决方案,以降低研究的进入门槛。其中一个是Movuino,一个基于Arduino的关于运动研究的开放平台。在他的演讲中,他会描述Movuino平台和他利用这个工具所做的相关研究


Kevin Lhoste, CRI Paris

Kevin’s main interest is to design open solutions that can lower the entry barrier into research. One of these is Movuino, an open platform for research on motion based on Arduino. In this presentation, Kevin will describe the platform andthe type of scientific research it enables.


Justin Ahinon,非洲国家贝宁的经济学家和统计学家。



Justin Ahinon, Association for the Promotion of Open Sciencein Haiti and francophone Africa (APSOHA).

Justin Ahinon is an economist statistician based in Benin and works actively for the promotion of local languages in science in Africa. Justin will present a new project called AfricArxiv, which aims to make African research more accessible to researchers and the public.



